Terms & Conditions
Please read through the terms and conditions before signing up to any classes/workshops/1-2-1s. By signing the application forms you are agreeing to the following T&Cs:
1. Payment
Fees and prices are subject to change without notice. Price at time of booking applies.
All services/courses/workshops must be prepaid and booked via the website. Asking for a course/workshop/121 via email or social media does not constitute as a confirmed booking. Only once booked via the website.
2.Booking time tables
When booking a single or multiple 121 sessions they must be booked in a timely manner. For single sessions, participants must book that session within 4 weeks of purchase. For block booking of four sessions, participants have 8 weeks from date of purchase to book these sessions. For block bookings of 6 sessions, participants have 12 weeks from the date of purchase to book these sessions. If sessions are not booked within these timeframes the sessions are voided and no refund will be issued.
3. Participants
Scentwork & Mantrailing workshops/classes/training sessions are “first come first serve”. Cloud Nine K9s reserves the right to cancel or postpone any event/service. The number of participants is limited unless listed differently. Cloud Nine K9s is allowed to refuse the participation to anyone without having to give a reason. Anyone taking part under the age of 18 must be accompanied and supervised by an adult (18yrs and up) at all times. Cloud Nine K9s cannot be held responsible for any minors.
4. Cancellation policy
The cancellation fee is 100% (non-refundable), unless the space can be otherwise assigned.
In case the participant or the participants´ dog becomes ill, so that they cannot take part in the event/service, you have to show a doctors or licensed veterinarian note stating such. You will then be signed up for the next possible course to make up for the one you could not attend. Alternatively, you can find a replacement yourself and must let Cloud Nine K9s know in writing.
121 sessions: These can be rescheduled up to 24hrs before the session. Under 24hrs notice and the session cannot be rescheduled and the cost of that session lost.
​5. Participation rules
Dogs must wear a flat collar and/or harness for 1-2-1 training, classes, workshops and introductions. Fabric or leather leads only (no chain or extendable leads).
Mantrailing - All participants are required to have a harness and a long lead on their dog. Participants will not be allowed to take part or receive a refund if the participant does not have the correct equipment. Dogs MUST wear a harness to trail in, they CANNOT trail on just a collar. NO EXCEPTIONS
The following items are NOT PERMITTED at any training session/course/seminar/workshop under any circumstances: Electric shock collars, including citronella; any other device that causes discomfort, pain or fear to the dog; Choke/check chains/collars, prong or pinch collars etc. Any equipment that the trainer deems unacceptable.
​6. Behaviour in and around the training areas
You have to follow the guidelines of the trainers of Cloud Nine K9s. All dogs are to be kept on lead whilst attending classes/workshops/121s. If permission is given for off lead exercise than the participants take full responsibility for their dogs welfare, behaviour and safety.
Dogs must be on lead if not worked, unless the trainer gives consent that you can walk your dog off-lead an area. Please note to always be friendly with pedestrians and traffic participants. You may be required to wear a high visibility vest or similar, especially when working your dog in areas with a lot of traffic. Cloud Nine K9s does not take any responsibility for interference with the law or injuries while participating in the event/service.
Any dog with a bite history or has taken part in any form of bite work training (even 1 session), must carry their own third party liability insurance (if they don't already have it through pet insurance).
Your dogs are to be left in the vehicle or securely closed in (a create or rear of the vehicle) while we are working other dogs. It is the dog owner’s responsibility to make sure that the vehicle has enough air circulation/flow and water is provided for the dogs’ health and safety.
​7. Health of the dogs
Only healthy and fully vaccinated (or titre tested) dogs are allowed to participate in any event/service that Cloud Nine K9s is offering. The participant ensures that the dog is free of diseases and fully vaccinated (or regularly titre tested) before taking part in any event/session.
Bitches in season - No bitches will be allowed to attend any 121/course/workshop/event or introduction if they are at the beginning, middle or end of their season. This not only affect their own training but also the other dogs on the session/course/workshop/introduction or event. No refunds will be given for any event/courses/workshops missed in the event of a clients dog coming into season. It is the owners responsibility to know when their dog is coming or in season and book appropriatley. If a bitch is found to be in season then they will be asked to leave the and no refund will be given.
If a dog falls ill shortly before or during the event/service, Cloud Nine K9s and/or the trainer/organiser is to be informed immediately to discuss further action and prevent a possible disease from spreading. Any dog suffering from a potential contagious illness will not be allowed to take part in classes/workshops and No refund will be given for any sessions missed. All dogs accepted require to be de-wormed and de-flead regularly.
​8. Liability and insurance
The participation in any events/services offered by Cloud Nine K9s is on your own risk which means the insurance lies with the participant/s themselves. We therefore make you aware, that you have to be insured to be able to participate in any events/services. The participant is fully reliable for any damages/harm done by either themselves, their dogs or the people that came with them. Cloud Nine K9s and the organiser/s and trainer/s, instructor/s do not take ANY responsibility for ANY damage/harm done to a person/s or a thing/s (e.g. buildings, cars, dogs, personal belongings etc.). You must be able to prove that your dog is insured if requested to do so. The participant takes the full responsibility for his/her dog/s, even if acting upon instruction of a trainer/s or organiser/s.
You are fully responsible for your own and your dogs` actions. Cloud Nine K9s cannot be asked to take over any costs for damage or harm done to you or your dog/s.
Cloud Nine K9s does not take any responsibility in case of injury or death of your dog/s, other animals or yourself or third parties.
Cloud Nine K9s takes all reasonable precautions within the structure of our training sessions/workshops/courses to avoid injury resulting from dog bites. However, Cloud Nine K9s accepts no responsibility for damage or injury resulting from dog bites occurring to clients or their dogs while attending training sessions/seminars/courses/workshops. The Control of Dogs Act 1986 section 21 - "Liability of owner for damage by Dog" applies within our classes/seminars/workshops/trainings/introduction courses and on our premises or public premises (rented from a third party or owned).
All instances of accident or injury must be reported to the dog trainer/instructor at the time they occurred.
If your dog is not insured than you, the owner, hold full financial liability.
Any dog with a bite history or has undertaken any protection dog training, IPO or any form of bitework training, owners must have their own third party insurance.​
9. Equipment and clothing
With every event/service you will need good, comfortable shoes (hiking boots or similar) and you need to be dressed appropriately for any weather conditions. The participant is responsible to inspect the quality and functionality of the harness, long lead and collar of the dog/s.
10. Length of the event/service
The trainer/organiser will determine the length of the event/seminar based on the progress of each participant and their dogs as well as the number of participants and the physical and psychological capability of each dog. The trainer will act in the best interest of the dog and can therefore order a rest for a dog or put a halt on further training sessions. If the participant is late for the event/service, it is their own fault and the trainer/organiser will not stop/pause the event/service because of this. The participant is not eligible to make up for any missed hours/days or get a reduction of cost because of such.
Once a class has begun it is not possible to transfer to a different class at a later date, missed classes will not be refunded.
11. ​Cancellation of a contract or postponing of an event/service by Cloud Nine K9s
1. Cloud Nine K9s reserves the right to withdraw from a contract without having to obey a timeline/date, especially when a participant does not obey the contract and/or breaks any animal right laws/guidelines. This also applies if the participant puts others and/or their dog/s in danger, or if you and/or your dog is not sufficiently insured.
2. Events/services generally take place in every weather except for extreme heat or thunder storms.
3. In case of a change of date, place or time, Cloud Nine K9s will inform the participant(s).
4. Cloud Nine K9s reserves the right to postpone or cancel an event/service if:
*There is not enough participants. If that is the case, then Cloud Nine K9s will let the other participants know 2 days prior to the event/service.
*If the trainer/instructor falls ill or cannot hold the event/service for other reasons. If that is the case, Cloud Nine K9s will find another date or will try to find another trainer/instructor.
*If the event/service still takes place, even if there is not enough participants, Cloud Nine K9s reserves the right to shorten the time/length of the event/service accordingly.
8. Cloud Nine K9s will not refund any third party costs such as hotel/ flights or any other expense in the event of a cancellation.
12. No guarantee of success
Cloud Nine K9s will not guarantee any success while or after any class/workshop/training session/ 1-2-1/ any event or services of any kind.
​13. Pictures and videos
Cloud Nine K9s reserves the right to take pictures and videos during an event/service. Every participant herewith agrees for these to be published on the website, social media or written form. Participants are not allowed to take pictures, videos, etc. without the consent of the other participants and Cloud Nine K9s.
If you do not want to be filmed or photographed (or your dog), you need to let Cloud Nine K9s or the organisers know in writing. The owner allows and consents for their dog to be photographed, videotaped, and/or used in any media or advertising by Cloud Nine K9s without prior approval. All such photographs and videos etc. are the property of Cloud Nine K9s.
14. Non-competition clause
Any individual participating in any courses, workshops, webinars, introductions etc cannot then pass on the information learned for self or monetary gain. Individuals agree not to offer the same or similar service offered by Cloud Nine K9s Scentwork & Search Dogs to any members of the public, other businesses or third parties within the UK.
15. eGift cards
eGift cards have a 4 month expiration date from the date of purchase. No refunds will be given if eGift cards are not redeemed.
16. Covid 19 restrictions (Temporary measure)
Cloud Nine K9s will hold PPE equipment in the form of gloves for participants, if participants want to wear facemasks than they are required to bring them with them. Participants will not touch equipment without gloves and will stay 2 meters from other participants and trainer.
If the participant or someone they have come into contact with is showing symptoms than the participant my inform Cloud Nine K9s immediately and the participant will be moved to the next course with availability that matches the cancelled courses specification. If this is not accepted by the owner than a balance of 50% of the remaining course costs will be refunded.
17. Confidentiality
Cloud Nine K9s reserves the right to discuss individual clients to other Mantrailing Global instructors.
18. Non- operational agreement
Cloud Nine K9s Scentwork & Search Dogs offers training to pets dogs for the purpose of mental stimulation, fun, enrichment and competition. Not for operational purposes such as finding missing people or missing dogs. Any person found to be offering these services without accredited training will no longer be allowed to continue with Cloud Nine K9s Scentwork & Search dogs. This is for sports purposes only.